Sunday, October 17, 2010

Speech Update

Wow - it's been way too long since I posted on this blog. It was a busy summer! Jimmie's blog always gets priority. (-:

McKenna is not currently in therapy right now. First Steps dropped her when she turned 3 years old in July. They do not treat anyone above 3. Children's only commits to 6 months at a time. If the therapist feels its needed sometimes you can get another 6 months, but McKenna's therapist did not feel it necessary to continue. Her reason was because McKenna is now caught up in sufficient range with normal 3 year olds.

I teared up as I left McKenna's last session. I was just emotional. She is doing really well! However there are still some problems and I feel we are being inconsistent to not have her in therapy. I'll share about that more, but first here is McKenna in her last session with Ms. T.

Ms. T. is the one really responsible for getting McKenna to a place where the words she spoke were consistent enough to understand. She gave McKenna the tools to get words from her brain and out of her mouth. She did this by drilling McKenna over and over and over. It was really hard work, especially for a 2 year old, but I'm really glad she was tough on her and knew what she needed.

This is McKenna's last session with her OT Ms. Cindy.

Ms. Cindy was great. We learned that McKenna has minor sensory issues, but Cole has a much more significant sensory problem. She always included Cole in her sessions and encouraged me to get help for him. We had Cole evaluated this summer at Children's and he is in therapy once a week for eating issues, hypotonia and sensory integration.

This is McKenna's last session with her ST at Children's- Ms. Aleah.

Aleah was wonderful. McKenna really enjoyed these sessions and it was good for her to be away from her home environment once a week for this session. McKenna loved her treasure chest game, blowing bubbles and playing with play dough. Aleah drilled "he" and "she" a lot near the end. McKenna still does not get that right most of the time, but she does not say any words with the "s" sound at the beginning spontaneously. I should clarify- she does say "s" words- just not with the "s" sound. "snake" is "nake", "spider" is "piher" etc... I think that "she" comes out "he" . . .

So the reason I think we are being inconsistent by not having McKenna in therapy is that she still has noticeable problems. I have written many times that the most significant problem with McKenna is the very wide gap between her developmental/cognitive level and her speech. That gap still exists. She still has noticeable trouble getting words out. This manifests in a few ways:

1. Stuttering or Disfluency. At times McKenna stutters repeating the same word or part of that word over and over. Or sometimes she elongates a sound. Her therapist said in August that she should not be doing that anymore in about 6 weeks if it was normal developmental stuttering. We are past the 6 week mark and she still does. Ms. A. also said stuttering is a separate (though closely related) neurological problem from Apraxia. I'm sure that is the case with kids who are not Apraxic. My theory- however is that this is not separate from McKenna's Apraxia. The severity of her stuttering comes and goes and seems to get worse when she has made a cognitive leap in "receptive speech and language development. I did some research and came across the term, "Disfluent Groping". I think this perfectly describes what McKenna is doing. "Groping" is when there is a struggle to get a word out. McKenna used to grope silently. You could see her lips working, her eyebrows tense etc.. but she was making no sound. Now I think she is still groping- only verbally. She has always had and increase of frustration and groping when she has made a developmental leap cognitively. I think this is because the gap between her receptive speech/language abilities and her expressive speech widens. Her developmental jumps with "expressive speech" happen less often and are smaller, so the gap remains.

Here is a video of her speaking with a lot of "disfluent groping"/"stuttering" present. The video quality is horrible so just turn your volume all the way up and listen. She says, "My truck is hiding from the halloween ghost." then she walks over to her truck and says, "truck the halloween ghost is not real!" (Our neighbors have a scary halloween ghost hanging from their tree...)

2. Another way her speech difficulties are noticeable is that she tires when she plays (verbally) very quickly. She has to stop and rest for a while. Cole is often upset because he wants to keep playing their game while McKenna is just wiped out on the couch having one of her quiet times. Also sometimes she'll keep playing, but she'll stop being verbal and that also frustrates Cole. He'll say, "Mom why is she not talking!!!".

3. And finally McKenna has started to communicate with words about her speech problem. She was trying to get something out the other day and she was stuck on a vowel sound. She struggled for so long she finally stopped and said, "Ugh, mommy- I can't find the words!"

So- it is true that she is now caught up with normal 3 year olds, but the gap is still there and her speech issues are still noticeable. I understand there may always be a gap. This is because Apraxia is (according to the experts) something you will always have. So to me that means McKenna will never have complete ease with her expressive speech. However the goal of therapy is to render that "unnoticeable". I want her brain to know and absorb all of the tricks to hide this deficit while she is young so that she "seems" completely "normal" as an adult.

Therefore my conclusion is:

She should still be in therapy!

I'm working on it. A few things need to be worked out related to "who?" she has therapy with and "how?" will we pay for it.

I appreciate your care and prayers!

For the very few who read this blog and not Jimmie's... It seems that an "Apraxia" diagnosis for him is looking more and more likely. )-: More about that soon.

Here is a picture from our fall photo shoot Rachael organized the other day.

Beautiful McKenna:


Update Coming...

Wow! May was the last time I updated here. That's horrible. )-: I'm working on an update now.

Coming soon....


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Major Progress!

I met with the school district a few weeks ago for a follow up meeting to the testing they did with McKenna. I was right-- she tested out of help from the school district. They said her scores were awesome, exactly what every parent would want to see of their 2 1/2 year old. They continued to be incredibly encouraging and complimentary of everything we've done with McKenna. Ms. M said if I start having any concerns or feel McKenna's development is dropping off again that I can call her and they can always bring her back in for another eval.

I teared up in the meeting as I tried to voice my concerns. They really listened to everything I had to say and really considered it. Ms. M. said she would over rule her scores and have her accepted to the pre-school as an "at risk" child. But that would not qualify her for the "disabilities program" which means no "one on one" help, no speech therapy- basically just pre-school. I found out last year they have something called "Friday School" so I asked about that and they said that would be fine as well. Everyone that works there is especially trained and qualified to work with kids who are having problems so I guess that would be the reason to do either the 4 day a week pre-school or "Friday School". I will for sure have her tested again next year to make sure she is continuing to progress.

We are considering "Friday School", but we may be able to get another 6 month session of speech therapy from Childrens. McKenna's therapist at Children's has said she would recommend her- based on our attendance, our work ethic and the fact that McKenna would not be receiving speech therapy anywhere else. Right now Friday is the only day that has a time that works for us at Children's so if I had to choose I'd obviously fore go "Friday School" for Speech Therapy at Childrens... Maybe we can work it out to do both. We'll see.

We have already decided not to do the 4 days pre-school. I'm home schooling Cole this year for kindergarten and it makes no sense to me to keep him home and send McKenna to school.

Ms. T. (McKenna's First Steps therapist) gave her the Goldman-Fristoe last week to make sure that she scored ok on articulation. Her thinking was that the PLS-4 played into McKenna's strengths. However she scored the low end of average on the Goldman-Fristoe! That score would not qualify her for any help with the district either. So basically McKenna is doing AWESOME and has come SO FAR!! I have worked through my feelings about everything and have come to a place of peace and excitement about how she's progressing and her future.

Dave and I feel that she needs to continue therapy to maintain this pace of improvement. She still does not speak fluently like a normal (almost) 3 year old, but she is so improved it's AMAZING.

Here she is singing "It's raining it's pouring..." after her shower this morning.

A few things she still struggles with:

She often takes long pauses in therapy to answer questions. We are not sure if it's a delay while she figures out the question or a delay as she tries to get the words out- or a little of both. We suspect either a little of both or just getting the words out. She is very good in her answers so we know she is understanding questions very well.

She is very confused about "he" and "she". She knows the difference between girl and boy, but the pronouns seem to confuse her to the point of frustration.

Saying the "s" sound at the beginning of a word is very hard for her. She needs a lot of prompting/help to achieve an "s" at the beginning of a word. Spontaneously she says, "piher" for "spider" , "fiffers" for "scissors" etc... "L" is hard at beginning of a word as well. I think that's normal for her age though.

Her speech is fairly broken, she marks articles and prepositions with the sound "na" a lot of the time. So for instance, "The dress is cute" might be, "na dwess na coot." But I can understand her and so can others. That is exciting!

She is communicating her personality now by expressing her feelings about things. She told me the other day, "ooo hut na fweewings mom.." "You hurt my feelings mom." and she'll say, ah weowee maad!" and we hear, "Cole not sharewing.." all day long. (-: Her flow and intonation is not perfect, but it could be much worse. Her therapists expected her to be a bit more stilted and monotone when she started speaking in sentences so they are pleasantly surprised.

I had an interesting conversation with Ms. A. her Children's therapist last week. She was talking about how far McKenna had come. I asked if her amazing progress meant that she does not have Apraxia..?? She answered, No- McKenna definitely has Apraxia, but that McKenna is the poster child for early intervention. Meaning McKenna is exactly the kind of child with exactly the kind of diagnosis that can be helped in a huge way if you catch it early and work hard. She also said that she did not think McKenna would have been speaking right now maybe even at ALL without the work we've done.

I'm so thankful for how well she is doing and for all of the wonderful therapists that have worked with her this past year!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pronouns Schmronouns

McKenna is continuing to make progress. No big jumps in the last 2 weeks though. The big thing we have been focusing on is pronouns. Particularly we are wanting her to say "he" and "she" when it's appropriate. That has been very slow going. She can properly identify a girl and a boy, but is in no way consistent saying "he" in relation to the boy and "she" for the girl.

She is also showing some confusion and lack of understanding with "wh" questions. I've tended to give her the benefit of the doubt when it comes to her receptive language comprehension, but it is becoming more clear over the last 2 weeks that she does have some holes where receptive language is concerned.

She has worked hard on identifying and properly labeling action words with "ing" and has made progress with that. Her ST at Children's feels she is doing well enough on that to move on and call it "goal met" . . . That was nice to hear on Friday because the confusion with the questions and the pronouns persists despite a lot of hard work, which is frustrating and a bit discouraging.

McKenna has come far enough now that she is starting to communicate with words about things other than her needs. That has been very special to me. She is starting to talk about her play, her inner imagination, her feelings even. Cole has been asking her to participate in story telling forever. When he has asked her to tell a story she has always just given him this look . . .

The other day for the first time she found enough words to tell a story. She copied (sort of) a ghost story I had told (at Cole's request) a few minutes before. She said, "once a na a time... uh ghost girl.. an her hair fall off..." LOL! She laughed with delight when she finished! She then told that story in the exact same way like 6 more times each time laughing with joy at the end.

She still has frustration. It comes out when she is telling me something and she wants to make sure I understand her word for word. She repeats the sentence louder and louder until I repeat it back to her. And if I repeat the sentence and get 1 word wrong i.e. different from the word she was trying to say she repeats the sentence in a screaming frustrated voice that makes it that much harder for me to decipher. She just gets really tired sometimes of having to work so hard to be understood and I get just as tired trying to understand. At the end of the day we are both at our worst. I have trouble concentrating on her speech and she has more trouble finding words. ARG!

Sometimes when she's tired or there is just too much to say she is perfectly quiet, but you can tell by the way she looks at you and her expression that she has a lot to tell you.. It's just not able to come out.

She has another nasty virus. Lots of snot, coughing, 1 puke and some runny stools...

Here she is in her persistent "w" sit. She can manage to sit like that everywhere! (-:

This Tuesday is our meeting with the school district about her qualification for help. I'm praying for speech therapy a couple times a week. I'm fine with her not doing the whole program.

I will update again next week . . .


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

School District Evaluation

Today has been a big day! McKenna had her big eval by the school district to determine qualification for their early intervention preschool. The big news is- she did well! Very very well. So well that it's not looking like she'll qualify. At least that's what the 3 women who were involved in the process hinted at.

I am having lots of mixed feelings and emotions. So hopefully writing this will help me sort them out.

First of all we will not know for sure for about a month. We have a scheduled meeting at the end of April to discuss today's eval and if she qualifies, make an IEP. If she does not qualify then I guess we'll be discussing that.

They administered the PLS4 (Preschool Language Scale-4). McKenna definitely performed for them today. She sat right down at the little desk and was very focused and deliberate. After about 20 minutes they had everything they expected to have and then kept going. They ended up going to a 3 1/2 year level- so 1 year ahead- and that's where they stopped after joking she was going to test into kindergarten. They raved about her focus and concentration, how she held her pencil correctly and how controlled she was while drawing, how cute and sweet she was, how much she clearly comprehended and understood. They were impressed with her vocabulary. They did make a comment on her articulation being inconsistent. And there was a few times they did not understand her.

I made sure they knew how hard we had worked to get to this place. I told them how it's always been very clear that she is not delayed in her receptive language, but that it is the huge gap between her receptive and expressive that we are concerned about. They were extremely complementary of me. With statements like, "Wow- it is clear that you have done an amazing job with her!" and "This is what is possible with hard work and early intervention!"

I am thrilled! It was so amazing to have an eval with McKenna where the report was not negative. It was uplifting and rewarding for all of our work over the past year be recognized and praised. I had tears of joy. I also feel a lot of pride in McKenna. She works hard and is very smart!

So why mixed emotions? Well I have some concerns . . .

First Steps will drop us at the end of the summer, they do not go past age 3 years. So then we will lose Ms. T. who I respect and give her the credit for McKenna's amazing improvement over the year. Children's Mercy will only work with a child for 6 months. That's their policy. They have so many children on waiting lists and usually services are being duplicated by First Steps or a School District. You can see where I'm going with this... I'm afraid that come August McKenna will suddenly be without ANYTHING. No therapy at all.

I am not okay with that. Ms. T. is not comfortable with that either.

Some of my thoughts on the test today. It tested McKenna's ability to take that test. Yes- she did well. This child has been drilled in similar ways since last summer at least once a week and since Jan twice a week and since Feb. four times a week. 4 times a week she has been drilled in similar ways. She knows exactly what is expected of her and is eager to please, participate and do well.

She is a perfectionist. She has a set vocabulary that she has drilled over and over and those words she can say without many mistakes. She speaks slowly, deliberately and carefully. She smartly and strategically uses synonyms that sound cute and age appropriate for harder words that she would struggle to say. She did that today with great skill. I noticed- they didn't.

The women today were so impressed with her receptive and even her communication skills that I don't think they were focused on the huge gap between how smart and comprehending she is and her actual "verbal" communication skill. I'm telling you McKenna could possibly have fooled them into kindergarten on that test.

What that test did not do was put her in a real world context, every day life with no prompting, no context. What that test did not reveal is that when I have no context 90% of what McKenna says I don't understand. What that test did not show is her confusion and frustration when she tries to tell me what she's upset about or what she's excited about. That test did not show how she is completely silent when her cousin Vallery comes over to play. Cole and Vallery talk and talk and talk and she says next to nothing as she plays with them. It did not show her inconsistency, how she may be able to say, "I want cheese" and then struggle to say, "two books". Or how she may say something spontaneously very easily and then struggle when she tries again.

What was revealed is that results are relative. Yes McKenna did well, she did well when compared to a lot of the children who are delayed more globally. She even did ok verbally when compared to normal children her age. BUT you have to be 50% delayed when compared to the norm to qualify- according to the states guidelines. Now I think McKenna could possibly test as high as kindergarten "receptively" but "expressively- verbally" she's barely able to keep up with kids her age. So I think there is at least a 1 year gap if not more between her expressive and receptive. I don't know if they caught that.

Of course I will discuss all of this at the meeting in a month- especially if she does not qualify.

However if she does- I'm also concerned that there be someone there who is really experienced with Apraxia. Because otherwise I'm afraid she'd be the star pupil and not pushed beyond what is expected of someone her age when she should be ahead- verbally.

Over all though- what I have realized today is that I can stop worrying about whether or not McKenna will ultimately be successful in overcoming this. If you take what she did today and blow it up on a larger scale it showed me that she will be successful. She is already working around her problem. I know there will still be hard days and I know there is still a lot of hard work ahead of her, but I am confident she will overcome!

Also if we do not qualify for help from the school district- I *WILL* find a way to keep her in speech therapy at least twice a week. I WILL. Where there is a will there is a way! I have no doubt in my mind that it is the shear amount of help I have gotten her this past year that has made such a difference for her. Everything you read about Apraxia states that the more therapy the better. That has totally been true for McKenna. The more times a week she works the more headway she makes.

Thanks for listening/reading! (-:


Saturday, March 6, 2010

McKenna Singing

I took some video on my cell phone of McKenna singing last night. She was singing "Old McDonald Had A Farm". She is singing really fast. That is her approximation of all the different words. She says mostly the same words over and over, but she says them really fast. I think it makes her feel like she's saying all those words.

In this first video she says something at the very beginning that is supposed to be "eieio" . . .It's "ye ye doh..." Then she goes right into "moo moo here, moo moo here". Then she starts listing other animals. She says them each twice. I think the 2nd one is pig? The 3rd is "neigh neigh here" which is a horse. Daddy laughs with delight (He hopes McKenna does not take it the wrong way). She gets stuck on "neigh...". and then explains she's singing horsey...

This video starts with "moo moo here moo moo here" . . . then "baa baa here". In both videos she only repeats the "moo"animal sound twice so the others are "baa here" then "neigh here.." then "pig here.." then "oink here.." and that's where she gets stuck in this one- on oink...

And in both examples there are inconsistencies, various vowel sounds throw in at different places and vowel inconsistencies within the same word. For instance in the 2nd video she says, "a peg here" and then very nicely pronounces it "pig" when she repeats it.

The fact that we can even figure out what she is saying/singing is huge, a big improvement. We are very proud of her.

It is sobering for us to watch these though because somehow it just becomes more clear... her struggle . . . all of the work left for her to do.

What was also hard was McKenna wanted to see the video of herself. I watched her closely as she watched herself sing. She did not smile watching herself. Her eyebrows came together, her shoulders slumped just a little and she looked really confused. Then she just turned away and distracted herself with a toy.

Of course we praise her. We tell her she is singing so well. That she is awesome. But- she's too smart and self aware to totally believe us. She "knows" she's not where she should be. That's hard.

I think she's unbelievably cute!! I know someday she'll look back at these videos and smile. Someday . . .


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Busy Girl

McKenna has a new schedule that we will try to maintain through the summer until First Steps turns McKenna over to the school district in August.

Monday 8:30 to 9:15-(in home) Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration
Tuesday 1:45 to 2:45-(in home) Speech Therapy
Wednesday 8:30 to 9:30 (in home) Speech Therapy
Friday 8:30 to 9:15 (at Children's Mercy) Speech Therapy

These pictures are all from Christmas!

McKenna's best friend is her brother Cole.

McKenna loves her Ma! (my mom)

McKenna loves her Pa! (my dad)

I've had to write her schedule on our calendar that hangs on the wall so I can keep it straight. This will be our 1st week to do all of it. We are going to be watching her closely to make sure it's not too much. I don't anticipate it overwhelming her though. She has such an eager attitude most of the time.

Her 2nd session of OT was yesterday. Ms.C. had her make cookies. She made her touch and smell all the ingredients. McKenna did fine with ingredients that she is use to. I make cookies with her often, but only 1 recipe and I don't encourage her hands to be in the ingredients. I will now... The ingredients that she had never seen before she would literally scream and dive for me, bury her face in my shirt and refuse to touch it or smell it. She was fairly agitated and uncomfortable the whole time, but she did mostly hold it together and participate. Ms. C. is allowing Cole to participate as long as he cooperates and models good things. Cole has suspected sensory issues himself so I'm hoping some of this therapy will rub off on him. (-:

McKenna really loves her speech therapy with Ms. T. lately. She is so excited when she pulls in the driveway. She dives right in and works hard for the whole hour. Today she didn't pull away and run to me even once. She is consistently putting 3 words together and with relative ease if they are well established words. There were a few words today that gave her trouble. "Banana, Giraffe, Elephant, Gorilla.." Those are hard words though! She even said a 4 word sentence twice. "Hippo in the boat" . . . (-:

McKenna sits in what the OT calls the "w" sit. Her knees together and feet out on either side. Her OT Ms. C. does not want her to sit like that. She'd rather her sit cross legged. Today Ms. T. and I reminded her throughout the whole session. We'd say, "McKenna fix your legs please." She would say, "Oh taaay" . . . in her cute low little voice and then she would always fix her right leg and was unable to fix her left. Every time we had to pick her left leg up with our hands and turn it out so she was sitting properly. We probably did this 10 times or more throughout the hour long speech therapy session. She was very good natured about it today though so that's an improvement.

McKenna had her first appointment Friday at Children's Mercy for Speech Therapy. She met her new therapist. We will call her "Ms. A". She had McKenna trying to blow bubbles. McKenna was unable to purse her lips. We've known since before Christmas that she has reduced motion orally, but I had not really experimented much to see what she can and cannot do. Well 1 for the "cannot do" column . . . "Can't purse lips" . . . *sigh*

McKenna has been reading books to herself lately. It's cute, but a little sad. All she says page after page is ," tuma oh tuma uh" . . . Every once in a while she'll say an actual word she knows, but I've only heard her do that a few times. It sounds like, "tuma oh tuma uh night night.." or "tuma oh tuma uh hosey (horsey).

Anyway... Over all we are moving forward- slowly, but surely . . .


Monday, February 22, 2010

Ups And Downs

Well I seem to have ups and downs quite regularly in regards to how McKenna is doing. Last week I was very up. McKenna is consistently able to put 3 words together and is doing very well at repeating words after us. She has to work pretty hard when she tries a new word, but her established words are pretty consistent. She has just really been doing great during her therapy session with Ms. T.

This week I've been down. She is so hard to understand, she goes from okay to screaming in frustration almost instantly. I know she'd love to express herself so much more than she is capable of and that makes me sad and I'm pretty sure it makes her sad too, but it also makes her mad. Her 4 year old cousin Vallery came over Saturday to play with her and Cole for the afternoon. I was laying on the couch watching olympics so I kept my ear tuned in to everything they were doing. I had to over and over call out to Cole, "Cole-- where is McKenna? What is she doing?" Because I never heard her voice. Cole and Vallary were just jabbering away while they played. Cole would call back, "she's right here mom- playing with us." She was very very quiet all afternoon.

McKenna had her first visit this morning from her OT Ms. C. This therapy is called "sensory integration". I'll write more about it in a few weeks when I have a better handle on exactly what it is. I can say that McKenna spent most of the session frustrated and unhappy. I really liked Ms. C. though and I think it will just take McKenna a few weeks to get use to Ms. C. and understand what is expected of her. We were supposed to just have this therapy twice a month, but after the session Ms. C. suggested that McKenna needed and would benefit more if it was every week. I agreed. McKenna definitely put her worst face forward this morning for her.

McKenna is potty trained! I'm so proud of her. It has taken a couple of weeks, but she has done very well.

Thank you for your care and prayers!


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Working Hard

Yikes! It has been way too long since I updated here for McKenna. The holidays were so busy, then gearing up for my brother's wedding my health kind of fell apart and we are under the gun to finish choreography for the show this summer with our dance students . . . I also make Jimmie's blog a priority over this one. I really want to update this once a week though, so I'm making that my goal again.

McKenna has really made good progress. Especially in the last 3 weeks or so. It seems like something has clicked (on a McKenna level) and she is having an easier time getting words out. It has been super exciting. This week we started our new plan which includes speech therapy twice a week now. Tuesday she had such a good session I was tearing up. I'm not sure why the tears come. It's just very emotional to hear her being successful with her speech. She worked so hard! She made good attempts over and over and probably about 70 percent of these attempts ended in success with the word or 2 word combo that she was working on! She is even starting to work on 3 words together.

She still has a lot of work to do because probably 90 percent of her speech in unintelligible to listeners who do not spend A LOT of time with her. She does still show decreased motion with her mouth in general. Sometimes she kind of sounds like she has marbles in her mouth while she's speaking. Right now she's whining at me and saying, "cmiiiiie mom, cmiiie" the "cmiiie" is said with an nasal emission . . . She's saying, "come on" or "come here" mom. We call her speech- "McKenna speak" . . . (-:

One of my bigger concerns for her has been her self confidence over this. She is super aware and self conscious about her speech especially when she is put on the spot about it. Ms. T. has suggested that she might do better in therapy if Cole and I were not there. We will look into to taking her to Ms. T.'s clinic later this year. For now I have sat back a few feet away and not overtly participated and that really has seemed to help. McKenna has made more attempts and been much more focused in the sessions where I'm there, but trying to look like I'm not paying attention. (-:

In play with her peers she's never had the opportunity to play with other children without Cole. My suspicion is that it would not go great. She quickly becomes confused, frustrated and discouraged when someone can not understand her. I have listened and spyed while she and Cole play with other kids and Cole (bless his heart) translates for her and includes her the whole time. While I was in Canada- David's brother and girlfriend watched Cole and Kenna for most of Saturday. Rachel (girlfriend) told me that by the end of the day McKenna was extremely agitated and upset. She kept trying to communicate her wants and needs but was not being understood. Cole was there, but playing with his cousin and not paying attention. Rachel finally called Cole over who did help translate, but at that point McKenna was just on overload with her frustration.

We met with the school district on Monday to talk about transitioning from "First Steps" when McKenna turns 3 this summer. Dave and I were impressed with everyone we met, with the facility and the obvious care and passion they put into the kids who are struggling a bit. McKenna will have to go through a process to determine if she qualifies or not for their services. They told us that unfortunately because of funding (or lack there of) they can only take the more severe cases that qualify on a strict criteria. I can't imagine McKenna not qualifying, but we'll see.
