McKenna is continuing to make progress. No big jumps in the last 2 weeks though. The big thing we have been focusing on is pronouns. Particularly we are wanting her to say "he" and "she" when it's appropriate. That has been very slow going. She can properly identify a girl and a boy, but is in no way consistent saying "he" in relation to the boy and "she" for the girl.
She is also showing some confusion and lack of understanding with "wh" questions. I've tended to give her the benefit of the doubt when it comes to her receptive language comprehension, but it is becoming more clear over the last 2 weeks that she does have some holes where receptive language is concerned.
She has worked hard on identifying and properly labeling action words with "ing" and has made progress with that. Her ST at Children's feels she is doing well enough on that to move on and call it "goal met" . . . That was nice to hear on Friday because the confusion with the questions and the pronouns persists despite a lot of hard work, which is frustrating and a bit discouraging.
McKenna has come far enough now that she is starting to communicate with words about things other than her needs. That has been very special to me. She is starting to talk about her play, her inner imagination, her feelings even. Cole has been asking her to participate in story telling forever. When he has asked her to tell a story she has always just given him this look . . .
The other day for the first time she found enough words to tell a story. She copied (sort of) a ghost story I had told (at Cole's request) a few minutes before. She said, "once a na a time... uh ghost girl.. an her hair fall off..." LOL! She laughed with delight when she finished! She then told that story in the exact same way like 6 more times each time laughing with joy at the end.
She still has frustration. It comes out when she is telling me something and she wants to make sure I understand her word for word. She repeats the sentence louder and louder until I repeat it back to her. And if I repeat the sentence and get 1 word wrong i.e. different from the word she was trying to say she repeats the sentence in a screaming frustrated voice that makes it that much harder for me to decipher. She just gets really tired sometimes of having to work so hard to be understood and I get just as tired trying to understand. At the end of the day we are both at our worst. I have trouble concentrating on her speech and she has more trouble finding words. ARG!
Sometimes when she's tired or there is just too much to say she is perfectly quiet, but you can tell by the way she looks at you and her expression that she has a lot to tell you.. It's just not able to come out.
She has another nasty virus. Lots of snot, coughing, 1 puke and some runny stools...
Here she is in her persistent "w" sit. She can manage to sit like that everywhere! (-:
This Tuesday is our meeting with the school district about her qualification for help. I'm praying for speech therapy a couple times a week. I'm fine with her not doing the whole program.
I will update again next week . . .