Monday, February 2, 2009

The Sclerotherapy

Today McKenna had her procedure done, and it went very well. She didn't even have to be intubated during her surgery, only sedated, which was very good.
She also didn't end up having to have a drain that Amber has to clean and take care of, which will be much easier for recovery at home.
Although these things went well, they really won't know for sure how effective the sclerosing agent was for at least a couple of weeks. Pray that the agent traveled successfully into the smaller malformations and that Kenna won't have to go back in for more injections.
The MRI was done today as well, but the results of that will not be known for a couple days.
Kenna recovered well from the surgery, she seems a bit "punch drunk" according to Grandma, but all in all is doing wonderful!!
Also, pray for Amber. The stress of all of this finally caught up to her today, and she is feeling very sick. Aunt Andrea and Chris Scott are doing TKM, which is helping, but some prayers sent Amber's way would be a huge blessing.
Thanks for all your prayers and I will probably update again soon, depending on how Amber is feeling!


  1. Great Job, Jennette! hang in there, Amber. You are doing a great job. Let it all go and be in HIM, just be.
    MOM to Amber, Aunt to Jennette
    aka Andrea

  2. Whoops, I left off my post
    and Ma to McKenna who was a real feisty little trooper today.

  3. So glad to hear that it went well today! I prayed and will keep Mckenna and you Amber as well in my daily prayers! Hugs&kisses to the real little trooper ;) Love, Misha

  4. Hey Amber. May God give you a peace only he can give and rest for your weary heart. Praise God for no drain and only a seditive. Blessings. I will continue to lift you up sister. Anita

  5. Amber

    Peace be with you. We are praying for you and Rachel. You are two amazing sisters! May McKenna and Jimmy have the amazing strength of their mothers.
    Sheila and Lily Salmond (ballet 1)

  6. So glad everything went well!I'm praying for good results on the MRI.
    Love ya!

  7. We are thinking and praying for ALL of you guys and hope that the good news keeps coming : ) Amber- be encouraged that McKenna could not ask for a better mommy and Rachael could not ask for a better sister! You are doing a wonderful job just being you! We are all better for having you in our lives : )

  8. Amber,
    Praying for you and your lil angel McKenna!
    God bless.:) Love, Cassie, Alyssa and Alexiya
